Japa: Reduce Temptation To Go Into Tougher Place, Dabiri-Erewa Tells Nigerians


The Chairman/CEO of the Nigerians in Diaspora Commission (NIDCOM), Abike Dabiri-Erewa has again cautioned Nigerians against illegal migration, urging them to do proper research before travelling to other nations.

She made the comment on Friday in view of a growing number of Nigerians migrating out of the country, a phenomenon locally known as japa.

Dabiri-Erewa had recently visited some Nigerians at a shelter in Brampton, Canada where she said some of the asylum seekers are living in deplorable conditions.

“So you can’t stop migration, legal or illegal. But let’s reduce the temptation to go and get into a tougher place,” she said on Friday’s edition of Channels Television’s Politics Today.

“Don’t leave for what you call a greener pasture to what I call a ‘reder’ pasture,” she added.

“Where you are going to, ensure you have a job; somebody who is going to look after you.”