Military destroys new Boko Haram Terrorist location in Niger State…Arrest Bulama Suri a high-profile terrorist collaborator

The Defence Headquarters said on Thursday that troops last week destroyed a newly uncovered Boko Haram Terrorist location in Shiroro Local Government Area of Niger State.

The location was taken off after several air interdictions that crushed an unspecified number of terrorists in the location. It was afterward deserted.

Major General Edward Buba the newly appointed Director Defence Media Operations disclosed this in Abuja .He said that the Air Component of Operation WHIRL PUNCH “conducted several air interdictions to degrade terrorist groups and their logistics bases, pursuant to denying them freedom of action.”

“Notably, the air component of Operation WHIRL PUNCH conducted air interdictions at Shalupe, a newly uncovered Boko Haram Terrorist location in Shiroro Local Government Area of Niger State. “

“The targets were acquired and successfully attack with rocket which destroyed some of their huts, damaging buildings and dislodging the terrorists.”

Major General Buba reiterated that the Nigerian Armed Forces is in war mode and is engaged in 9 different operations across the length and breath of the country.

According to him, during the period under review, ( between July 13 and 20 2023) in troops of Operation WHIRL PUNCH neutralized 9 terrorists and recovered one AK47 rifle loaded with 3 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo, 1 dane gun, 5 motorcycles, 2 phones and 322 livestock. Troops also arrested 15 suspected criminals and rescued 20 kidnapped civilians.

These were recorded in separate operations in Birni Gwari and Giwa , Igabi Local Government Area Local Government Areas of Kaduna State.

“Troops on fighting patrol at Damari, Saulawa and Mai Jakana general area in Birnin Gwari and Giwa Local Government Area of Kaduna State made contact with the terrorists and in a fire fight, neutralized 2 terrorists, recovered 3 Motorcycles, 72 cows and 29 sheep.”

In the North East troops of Operation KADIN KAI neutralized neutralized 6 terrorists and arrested 8 suspected terrorists collaborators and rescued 10 kidnapped civilians.

Troops also arrested high profile terrorist collaborators in Kukawa and Konduga Local Government Area of Borno State.

He said that following an intense troops onslaught, some active terrorists fighters surrendered to troops. They claimed that they have lost interest in the terrorist ideology.

While a fighting patrol to Awada in Mafa Local Government Area of Borno State on July 10 resulted in neutralizing of 2 terrorists and the captured of 2 others the rescued of one victim.

Meanwhile, a high-profile terrorist collaborator identified as Bulama Suri has been arrested. Suri a terrorist spy and collaborator residing at Gaulawa and Gwazari villages in Kukawa and Konduga Local Government Areas of Borno State was arrested on July 10. Items recovered from the terrorists were generally food items and 2 cows.